ハイパーマルチスケール地球科学ウィンタースクール 2024

Date: Feb 18(Sun) -20(Tue), 2024 (2024年2月18日(日)〜20日(火))
Venue: Yamanaka-Ryo Naito Seminar House (東京大学山中寮内藤セミナーハウス)
Recommended access: Highway bus (Fujikyuko) between Tokyo (Tokyo, Shibuya, Shinjuku) and Lake Yamanaka: JPY about 2,600 for one-way (高速バス 東京(東京・渋谷・新宿)-山中湖 片道 2,600円程度)
Another access: Train between Shinjuku and Kawaguchiko

(Keisuke’s input) Tickets from Tokyo station seem to be sold out, so buses from Shinjuku seem to be the best choices left. You can get tickets for one of the following buses:

– Meeting & Splitting-up place: Yamanaka-Ryo Naito Seminar House
– Registration Fee: JPY 3,000
* Please pay in cash at the registration.

*Please note: There are no towels, pajamas, tooth brush etc. in the venue. You must bring them.
*Free Wi-Fi is available.
*Recommended items to bring: winter clothes.


Online Access for Prof. Azuma and presenters

DAY1 (Feb 18)
13:30- Registration

1st session 14:00-17:00
14:00-14:15 Kenji Kawai (Univ. Tokyo) “Opening remarks”
14:30-15:00 Ryo Kobayashi (Nagoya Institute of Technology) “Machine-learning potentials in materials science”
15:00-15:30 Ikuchi Funahashi (Univ. Tokyo) “波形インバージョンによる北部太平洋下最下部マントルの三次元方位異方性構造推定” “Inferring 3-D azimuthally anisotropic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the Northern Pacific using waveform inversion”
15:30-16:00 Ikumi Kanemasu (Hiroshima Institute of Technology) “The basic research of mechanical property of mineral in cement using classical and ab initio molecular dynamics”
16:00-16:30 Seitaro Yazawa (Univ. Tokyo) “機械学習型ポテンシャルを用いた分子動力学計算~地球内部ダイナミクスの理解に向けて~” “Molecular Dynamics Calculations Using Machine Learning Potentials:Toward Understanding the Internal Dynamics of the Earth”
16:30-16:45 Welifer Lebrón (Univ. Tokyo) “Self-introduction”

18:00- Dinner

Ice breaker 19:30-22:00
19:30-22:00 Ice breaker

DAY2 (Feb 19)

7:30- Breakfast

2nd session 8:30-11:30
8:30-9:00 Masahiro Takano (Univ. Tokyo) “Reactions of iron sulfides with hydrogen under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions” “高温高圧下における硫化鉄と水素の反応”
9:00-9:30 Kazuki Miyazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “The flat 410 and 660 discontinuities”
9:30-10:00 Bunrin Natsui (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “大規模S波低速度領域の結晶方位選択配向発達の理解へ向けたLLSVP構成候補鉱物の下部マントル圧力条件での高温高圧大歪変形実験”
10:00-10:30 Tarudee “Gil” Autaijaratrasmee (Univ. Tokyo) “Preliminary measurements of the shear wave splitting beneath Thailand by Thai Seismic Array (TSAR)”
10:30-11:00 Keisuke Otsuru (Univ. Tokyo) “波形インバージョンによる南大西洋下D″領域の3次元S波速度構造推定” “Waveform inversion for the 3D S-wave velocity structure in D″ beneath the Southern Atlantic”
11:00-11:30 Miu Tezuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “量子センサーを用いた高温高圧実験”
11:30-12:00 Toru Obayashi (Univ. Tokyo) “Extension of the waveform inversion method to the liquid area”

12:20- Group photo
12:30- Lunch @Kosaku or Steak-Sakaba

3rd session 14:00-17:30
14:00-14:30 Ryosuke Shinmyo (Meiji Univ.) “極短時間・高温・高圧下反応実験による地球惑星物質進化の解明”
16:00-16:30 Shoya Uchikoshi (Meiji Univ.) “摩擦の物理”
16:30-17:00 Rei Sato (Univ. Tokyo) “波形インバージョンに基づく中米下D″領域の熱・化学不均質構造の制約”
17:00-17:30 Yusuke Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “investigation for superionic states of FeH with high-temperature compression tests using membrane DAC”

18:00- Dinner with party menu

DAY3 (Feb 20)

7:30- Breakfast
4th session 8:30-11:30 (if required)
8:30-9:00 Satoshi Ohmura (Hiroshima Institute of Technology) “”
9:00-9:30 Kenji Kawai (Univ. Tokyo) “”
9:30-10:00 Hiroshi Sakuma (National Institute for Materials Science) “”